Most people look at people who have achieved extraordinary results in their lives like Tiger Woods or Gary Vaynerchuk and assume they can’t become one of them.
They may think the life they created was simply a matter of luck and good fortune. Although, in truth, the only thing out of the ordinary for these people were the actions and choices they made.
As Dr. Benjamin P. Hardy writes,
“Outsiders may view the hyper-successful or influential as “different” or “special.” But if you asked those who actually did it, they’d say they are quite ordinary, and that the life they created was a matter of choice.”
The remainder of this article will explore 3 habits that separate under-performers from high performers, according to Brendon Burchard’s book, High Performance Habits. Here we go:
They Exercise at Least Three Times Per Week
“One stunning finding from our research on over twenty thousand high performers is that the top 5 percent of all high performers are 40 percent more likely to exercise at least three days per week than the 95 percent below them.” -Brendon Burchard
Many people are naive enough to believe that exercise is just about health. They assume their health is in decent shape, and therefore, think they don’t have to take their exercise regime serious
Although what these people really ought to learn about is compounding and keystone habits.
As a person, one part of your life cannot be viewed in isolation. You are a holistic system. When you change a part, you simultaneously change the whole. To improve one area of your life is to improve all others.
As Dr. Stephen Covey teaches,
“Private victory always precedes public victory.”
If you really want to make a difference in your endeavors, then focus on getting yourself in order first. Start with the foundations and then build from there.
Of course, no one’s asking you to become a bodybuilder. Although, just get your body moving in some way.
Thirty minutes of consistent exercise will do wonders for your health, your confidence, your self-esteem, and consequently, your entire life.
As Tim Ferriss writes, “When you make your health your #1 priority the rest becomes so much easier.”
They Set Goals and Regularly Self-Monitor
“People who set goals and regularly self-monitor are almost two and a half times more likely to attain their goals.” -Brendon Burchard
Most people view goal setting as simply a nice to do. They may do it once or twice a year and then hope that everything falls into place.
Although, high performers aren’t leaving the life they create to chance. Instead, they have a vision they’re fueling and tracking each day.
Specifically, they’ve decided upon their ideal future and then created an ideal day that will move them there. If they aren’t living up to their personal standards, then they’ll know. As Benjamin P. Hardy once wrote,
“If you’re not tracking the key areas of your life, then you’re probably more off-course than you think.”
Indeed, tracking is not just about writing things down, but rather, shifting your awareness.
If you’re not aware of something, then it’s difficult to change. However, once an issue becomes conscious, then it’s difficult not to change. As Darren Hardy has said,
“Nothing creates more stress than when our actions and behaviors aren’t congruent with our values.”
They Set and Meet Real deadlines
“High performance happens only when there are real deadlines. “What is a “real” deadline? It’s a date that matters because, if it isn’t met, real negative consequences happen, and if it is real, benefits come to fruition.” -Brendon Burchard
This is as simple as the adage of Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
- If you have 10 hours to do something, it will take 10 hours.
- If you have 10 days to do something, it will take 10 days.
- If you have 5 months to do something, it will take 5 months.
Although many people miss the point that this is not a means to set unrealistic deadlines. For example, I couldn’t just now say that the due date for this article is in five minutes and then expected it to be done.
Instead, this is exactly what Brendon Burchard would call a “false deadline;” there isn’t atrue need with real consequences if it’s not met.
For a deadline to be a “real deadline,” the stakes have to be high. There must be real consequences for failure. You must have skin in the game. Without it, you may as well not set a deadline at all. As Jim Rohn has said,
“Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.”
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